The Menstrual Disorder of Teenagers (MDOT) Study No. 2: Period ImPact and Pain Assessment (PIPPA) Tool Validation in a Large Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study of Australian Teenagers

A quantitative paper survey collected self-reports of menstrual bleeding patterns, typical and atypical symptoms, morbidities, and interference with daily activities. Multiple correspondence analysis was used to examine associations between PIPPA questions....


EndoTV collaborates with the reputed people in the society to know their contribution to the changing future of endometriosis care. Let’s Talk Period With Diana Falzone” welcomes you to the endless interesting discussions with today’s most respected and reputed health...

SWHR Endometriosis Toolkit

At least one in 10 people with a uterus likely has endometriosis. This chronic and often debilitating disease can be difficult to live with, both physically and emotionally. SWHR’s Endometriosis Toolkit is designed to empower individuals with endometriosis in...

March into Yellow

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month.March into Yellow is a fun and easy way to open up a conversation about the disease and an opportunity for our community to show support.March into Yellow encourages our broader community to show their support for the invisible...