by Sharon | 13 May, 2023 | News
Young people report missing out on a range of activities they enjoy when they have their period.This guide will help sporting clubs ensure that members who menstruate feel supported and comfortable while playing sport. Read the guide...
by Sharon | 8 May, 2023 | Grant Stories, News
The Commissioner for Children and Young People, Helen Connolly, was pleased to be the Guest Speaker at the launch of Period. a group exhibition about attitudes toward periods and menstruation.Curated by Jade Harland & Tiff Rysdale Period. features works by Amy...
by Sharon | 1 May, 2023 | Advocacy & Policy, News
The stigma and discrimination experienced by people who menstruate is corrosive and harmful, and more action is needed to address this. Commissioner Helen Connolly recently co-authored ‘Menstrual Justice: A Human Rights Vision for Australia’, which sets out a series...
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